Parade application

July 4th @ 10:30 AM.

Ready to participate?

Your participation will help make this year’s Allied Solutions CarmelFest Parade a truly memorable event! We know you will be delighted along the parade route waving to friends, family, neighbors, and guests from around Indiana lining the streets of Carmel. Use your creativity to craft a float that awes and inspires our community.

A special note about pets in the parade: CarmelFest has instituted a no-pet policy due to the extreme heat and hot pavement/sidewalks in July. If you feel you must bring your pet to the parade due to the length of time you will be away from home, they must ride on your float or in your vehicle for their safety and please provide water for them. Be sure to add a blanket on any metal surface the sun will heat. ADA Service animals are allowed but should have protective footwear. Please provide water for your animal.

The parade will be live-streamed on the CBS4 Indy Facebook page.

It is required by the TV station that you agree to voluntarily appear in their coverage of the parade and required by those referenced in the document. Therefore, every participant must have a signed waiver! No Exceptions!

All participants must provide a signed waiver on the day of the parade!

  • Have your information ready BEFORE you begin to submit your application. Once entered, you cannot go back to change or add anything. Here are the questions you will be asked:

    •        Unit Name: The name you wish to use for print and parade announcers

    •        Description: Add a brief script about your entry for our parade announcers to mention as you pass by the review stand

    •        Organization: Either the same as your unit name or list your company organizing your unit

    •        Mode Notes: We use this information to determine your parade acceptance, so please provide a detailed description of your unit features

    •        Participants: Include the number of unit walkers, riders, vehicle drivers, and people handing out candy

    •        Unit length: Approximately how many FEET do you need in the staging area for your unit

    •        Noise: List any loud noise from your unit such as music, sirens, etc.

  • The parade steps off at 10:30 a.m. on July 4th at AAA Way and Carmel Drive. The parade travels west on Carmel Drive to Rangeline Road, turning north to Main Street, traveling east on Main Street, and ending at Richland (4th Street).

    All parade entries will be evaluated before being accepted for sports, commercial, not-for-profit, political, recreation and children's organizations. Acceptance will be based on the entertainment value of the entry and the execution of the parade theme. There will be entries selected that are not tied to the theme such as celebrities, elected officials, bands, and other entries specifically invited for their entertainment value. Creative floats are encouraged for possible awards. The Allied Solutions CarmelFest Parade committee reserves the right to accept or decline any entry.

    The application deadline is May 31.

    IMPORTANT NOTE FOR LARGE WALKING ENTRIES: There will be a limit of 25 walking participants per unit. Groups such as dance, cheer, athletics, etc. must limit their participants! You may add 6 additional walkers if you are handing out candy.

    Candy may be distributed BUT MUST BE HANDED, NOT THROWN! There will be a candy line down both sides of the street. Children must stand behind this line to receive candy. If they are not behind the line, DO NOT HAND THEM CANDY! People distributing candy must be 15 or older. Parade marshals and the Carmel Police and Fire Departments will be enforcing these rules. Violations will result in forfeiture of future participation in the parade.

    No flyers or coupons may be distributed. If you want to distribute other items such as hats or flags, you MUST receive permission in writing from the parade committee prior to the parade entry deadline of May 31.

    Parade units MUST maintain a forward motion and keep pace throughout the parade route. Performances MUST take place while moving unless an exception is granted by the parade committee. This will be strictly enforced by parade marshals and the Carmel Police and Fire Departments. Please perform as you pass the review stand in front of Flanner & Buchanan on Carmel Drive.

    The parade will be limited to 75 units plus the Military Tribute Grand Finale. This may result in some entries which have participated in previous years not being accepted for this year.

    Allied Solutions CarmelFest Parade Waiver forms MUST be completed by each entrant. Please print our form and make copies for each member of your unit to sign. Waiver forms will be collected by parade marshals during the lineup before the parade begins on July 4th.

    Strictly commercial entries will not be allowed. Entries MUST either reflect the parade theme or have an entertaining appeal for the spectators. Entries consisting of only vehicles wrapped with advertising or driving billboards will not be permitted.

    During the parade lineup, parade marshals will provide all parade participants with instructions regarding proper parade conduct. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in forfeiture of future participation in the parade. We reserve the right to remove an entry during the parade for violation of these policies.

    Absolutely NO water guns or soakers will be allowed. This is a "G Rated" family event!

    The parade unit, advertising, and signs must be approved by the parade committee.

    Any change made to an entry AFTER committee acceptance must be approved again by the parade committee. If approval of the change is not received, it could possibly cause the entry to be eliminated from the parade.

    All children participating in the parade MUST have direct adult supervision while in a car or truck bed, on a float or walking in the street.

    It is the responsibility of each unit to provide water for their participants.

    Only vehicles pulling floats or providing transportation for entrants will be allowed in the parade. Extra vehicles will be removed at lineup unless approved in writing prior to the parade by the Parade committee. The registration profile page MUST indicate the exact number of feet needed for lineup and the exact number of vehicles.

    Car clubs may have up to 20 vehicles which will proceed in 10 rows with 2 vehicles in each row. The registration profile page MUST indicate the exact number of vehicles that will be driving in the parade.

    Equestrian units MUST include a grounds person to provide immediate clean up for the animals in the unit.

    Dogs and other pets WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WALK IN THE PARADE to prevent heat exhaustion and harm to the animal from the hot pavement. Additionally, no dogs or other pets will be permitted to ride in CarmelFest provided vehicles for our invited guests. Please provide water for pets riding in your own vehicle or on your float.

    Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use are not permitted.

    All drivers must hold a valid driver's license and be 21 years of age.

  • The Allied Solutions CarmelFest Parade will again feature a contest for float entries in the parade which will be judged in five categories:

    Judges’ Favorite - Commercial and Not-For-Profit

    Most Patriotic - Commercial and Not-For-Profit

    Best Costume (For Float or Walking Units)

    Judging will be based on the execution of the parade theme, originality of design, and spectator appeal.

    All participants who wish to be contestants should be in their respective lineup position by 9:00 AM on July 4th.

    Winning floats will have an award banner carried in front of their unit during the parade and will be announced at the parade review stand. Plaque awards will be given at a later date.

  • NO FEE

    Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

    School Groups such as clubs, cheerleaders, bands, and City of Carmel Elected Officials

    Military Groups

    Guests, celebrities, and units the parade committee has specifically invited to participate

    $95 FEE

    Elected Officials outside of the City of Carmel

    Political Party entries

    (We do not accept politicians running for office unless currently seated in elected office)

    Not-for-Profit Organizations

    $150 FEE

    Commercial Entries